
General Info

Hula hoop photo was taken from Freepik.com.

jQuery (UI) was used to build the app.

ISS tracking

The ISS information was taken from Where the ISS at?

ISS statistics were taken from NASA and Wikipedia.

The map is provided by Open Street Map.

Leaflet is used to render the map.

The transparent ISS and the Sun icons were taken from PNGWing.

Leaflet.Terminator plug-in was taken from https://github.com/joergdietrich/Leaflet.Terminator.

CanvasJS v1.7 was used to render dynamic chart of current ISS altitude.

IP Geolocation is powered by IPWHOIS.IO.

Public satellite pass API is powered by G7VRD[/M].

Solar and lunar data are taken from Norwegian Meteorological Institute.


Don't worry, it's just a strange sound 😃

Station stats:

Weight: 419,725 kg;

Dimensions: 73.0m x 109.0m;

Atmospheric pressure: 101.3 kPa (1.0 atm) -> 79% nitrogen, 21% oxygen;

Orbital decay: 2 km / month;

Crew: 7 people.

The ISS was launched 22 years ago (November 20, 1998).

In 24 hours, the space station makes 16 orbits of the Earth (~ 92 minutes / orbit).

A space station travels an equivalent distance to the moon and back in about a day.

The cost of the ISS was estimated at over $ 120 billion.

Live ISS Tracker (3D)

ISS Info updated every second

Current Unix Time:
Current GMT Time:
Current Local Time:
Orbital Speed:
Current position of the Sun:
Current radius of ISS visibility 20° over horizon:
Current horizon radius of ISS visibility (tangent to the Earth):

Some useful information about ISS:

Average ISS altitude calculated over the last 5 seconds:
Dynamic table of ISS values (last 5 readings)
GMT Time: Orbital Velocity [km/h]: Altitude [km]: Latitude [°]: Longitude [°]:

IP Geolocation Info








Timezone name:

Current weather at your location

General description: and cloudiness: .

Current temp: , max temp: , min temp: .

Pressure: , humidity: , visibility: .

Speed of wind: , direction: .

Sunrise: , sunset: .

Hover over purple color belowto see a tip.

Visible ISS passes in the next 72 hours (min elevation: 20° above the horizon)
No. Start (local time) TCA (local time) End (local time) AOS Azimuth [°] LOS Azimuth [°] Max Elevation [°]

Satellite ID: , name: .

Time of TLE : .

Line 1: ,

Line 2: .

Solar and lunar information is provided in the local time zone

Moonrise time:

Moonset time:

The max elevation of the Moon:

The hour of maximum moon elevation:

Sunrise time:

Sunset time:

Time of the local solar noon (180°S):

The altitude of the sun during the local solar noon:

Time of the local solar midnight (0°N):

The altitude of the sun during the local solar midnight:

Live 3D ISS Tracker

Default view from 15,000 km above the Earth

Time remaining: 7 seconds

I like to move it, move it 😀

Your browser:

Your display: